jhoxi Publish time 2011-09-24 11:43

Please help, traslation discuz!x

I have a question, I have to translate the same words in different /lang.php
for example:lang.article.php
'footerbanner_index'                        => 'Inicio',//'首页',
must be in all lang.php ?

vot Publish time 2011-09-24 12:34

must be in all lang.php ?
Unfortunatelly, all the lang files can have it's own independet translation of the same chinese word or the same keyword :(

But you can try to search the same translation in all the lang files and replace it everywhere...

jhoxi Publish time 2011-09-24 12:52

I understand, but look for example at a lang.php.... Home must be in all lang files? House ? no entiendo :(

vot Publish time 2011-09-24 18:01

Home must be in all lang files? House ?
Why in ALL??? Do not understand the problem...

The simplest way to translate - just get each lang file and translate it line by line independently from other lang files.

jhoxi Publish time 2011-09-24 19:04

Look i'll explain:
for example:
I edit a file lang_xxxx.php<-- and translate all, and translate a phrase Users Online to spanish is Usuarios en Línea
then translate other lang.yyyy.php<-- and find the same phrase "Users Online" to spanish is Usuarios en Línea, and if I put Usuarios Conectados?.

In short:
almost all files lang.php, aparece la palabra, Home to spanish is Inicio
The word "Inicio" should be in all lang files? or no is necessary?

vot Publish time 2011-09-24 19:59

I recommend the next procedure:
When edit the next lang file, do the next steps FOR EACH LINE:
1) Copy to clipboard a phrase that you want to translate.
For example, let the line is:
'footerbanner_index'                        => 'HomeInicio',//'首页',
So you have to copy 'Home'. (together with apostrophs)
2) Edit this line to:
'footerbanner_index'                        => 'Inicio',//'首页',
3) Save the file.
4) Search ALL the files that contains the 'Home'
5) Edit each file and replace all the 'Home' with 'Inicio'. Save each such file.
6) Return to editing the first file, [ go to 1) ]

It will a "Draft" translation.
After all the files are transkated you will need to justify your translation in a run-time.
Look to a site page, seeng a bad translation, find corresponing file and edit it, clean the cache, rerun the page, and so on :)

jhoxi Publish time 2011-09-24 20:50

Edited by jhoxi at 2011-9-24 20:54

hmm, thank you very much, Votintsev
is very difficult to translate, but with your help everything can be
You do not mind if I use your packge discuz!x2 by vot?
I will be more easy to translate from English to Spanish

eres un capo :)

vot Publish time 2011-09-24 20:56

Yet another tip:
It is convenient to make steps 1), 2), 3) in one window,
but steps 4), 5), 6) in a separate second window! :)

jhoxi Publish time 2011-09-24 20:59

ok no problem my bro

jhoxi Publish time 2011-09-24 21:13

vot pls, what it means, "This file is Automatically generate"
in lang.php
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