How to remove Violation log ?
I want to know how to reset or remove the Violation log from the users space or profile.(Personal Info)Just run the SQL query:
DELETE FROM pre_common_member_crime
WHERE uid = some_user_id
where "pre_" is your real Dzx database prefix,
and "some_user_id" is an integer idendificator of a user which violation log is need to be cleaned.
Remove the next block:
<!--{if $clist}-->
<div class="cl">
<h2 class="mbm">{lang crime_record}</h2>
<table id="pcr" class="dt">
<th width="15%">{lang crime_action}</th>
<th width="15%">{lang crime_dateline}</th>
<th>{lang crime_reason}</th>
<th width="15%">{lang crime_operator}</th>
<!--{loop $clist $crime}-->
<!--{if $crime == 'crime_delpost'}-->
{lang crime_delpost}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_warnpost'}-->
{lang crime_warnpost}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_banpost'}-->
{lang crime_banpost}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_banspeak'}-->
{lang crime_banspeak}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_banvisit'}-->
{lang crime_banvisit}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_banstatus'}-->
{lang crime_banstatus}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_avatar'}-->
{lang crime_avatar}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_sightml'}-->
{lang crime_sightml}
<!--{elseif $crime == 'crime_customstatus'}-->
{lang crime_customstatus}
<td><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=$crime" target="_blank">$crime</a></td>
static/image/common/user_online.gif vot static/image/common/clock.gif 2019-6-19 21:29
Remove the next block:
No , I don't want to remove the block.
Just wanted delete the Violation logs of a particular user. Like reseting it default.