Which is the main .php file of Discuz?
Edited by evanhenry at 2020-5-7 15:41Hi vot,
Since you have been using this system for more than a decade, which is the main php file that is included by all/most other.php files of the Discuz software?
In case if I want to integrate something using include_once function, which file will you suggest?
There is no single answer in this formulation of the question.
In different cases it is require to include different (and many) files.
It would be better if you ask a question in other manner.
For example, “how to write my own plugin” or “how to create your my module”, or something like that. Hello vot, my question was which file is included the most in other files? I hope this question doesn't confuse. require './source/class/class_core.php';
thank you