How to update plugins without losing existing data?
Hey Vot,I have a free plugin V1 which I translated to English and installed on my site.
Now, I see an update for the same plugin (Version 2) and I downloaded the Chinese version. There are new entries in the xml files and few php and plugin html files. I have translated the V2 xml and created a EN_UTF8 xml file.
On the official addon.dismall site everything happens automatically since the files are being downloaded from the cloud and it updates on download.
I know I can simply uninstall the plugin and install the new version but uninstalling will delete all old data.
But, I want to update this new version on my site without losing data. How can I do it?
Please help.
Backup your plugin data from your database, i,e, using phpmyadmin.
If the plugin have an upgrade option (usually upgrade.php),
then try to do the upgrade queries manually.
As an alternative you can try to update your plugin online from the dismall (yet not checked!).
Your plugin will probably became Chinese.
Then overwrite the original Chinese code with your translated files.