MusicBox for UCH2.0 / English Version
Отредактировано: promo, 2011-12-13 21:35【Installation and Upgrade】
First, extract the installation package, upload it to uch the root directory. Uch run http:// to your address / musicbox_install / index.php. The database after you install, delete the folder musicbox_install
2, open the config.php
$_SC['Tplrefresh'] = 0;
Add below
$_SC['music_upload'] = '1';
$_SC['music_link'] = '0';
$_SC['music_integralset'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_upload'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_upload_del'] = '-0';
$_SC['music_i_addlink'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_addlink_del'] = '-0';
$_SC['music_i_addzj'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_addzj_del'] = '-0';
$_SC['music_i_pingfen'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_pinglun'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_pinglun_del'] = '-0';
$_SC['music_i_share'] = '0';
$_SC['music_play_auto'] = '1';
$_SC['music_down_auto'] = '1';
$_SC['music_palyer_style'] = '1';
$_SC['music_i_disk'] = '0';
$_SC['music_v_guest'] = '0';
$_SC['music_i_edit'] = '1';
3, open the language file inside the lang_showmessage.php
Find 'you_do_not_have_permission_to_visit' => 'You have been banned from access. '
In the following add / / custom
'm_commend_success' => 'Recommended music success!',
'm_commendedit_success' => 'modify the music success!',
'm_newmymusicalbum_success' => 'create a successful album!',
'nomusic' => 'Sorry! Parameter error, this music does not exist! ',
'deletemusic_success' => 'Delete the success of music!',
'deletemusicalbum_success' => 'Album successfully deleted!',
'musicpingfen_success' => 'Add a score success!',
'musicpinglun_success' => 'comment on the success!',
'musicsetbg_success' => 'successfully set!',
4, open the language file inside the lang_cp.php
Find 'note_space_bar' => 'Set your site recommends that users of the',
Add below
'music_collection' => 'collection of your music <a href="space.php?uid=\\1&do=musicbox&mview=mpage&mid=\\2" target="_blank"> \ \ 3 </ a>',
'music_topingfen' => 'to your music <a href="space.php?uid=\\1&do=musicbox&mview=mpage&mid=\\2" target="_blank"> \ \ 3 </ a> rating of the \ \ 4 ',
'music_topinglun' => 'comment on your music <a href="space.php?uid=\\1&do=musicbox&mview=mpage&mid=\\2" target="_blank"> \ \ 3 </ a>',
'music_toshare' => 'share your music with you <a href="space.php?uid=\\1&do=musicbox&mview=mpage&mid=\\2" target="_blank"> \ \ 3 </ a>, invite you to try listen ...',
5, open space.php
$ dos = array ( 'feed', 'doing', 'mood', 'blog', 'album', 'thread', 'mtag', 'friend', 'wall', 'tag', 'notice', ' share ',' topic ',' home ',' pm ',' event ',' poll ',' top ',' info ',' videophoto ');
Replace $ dos = array ( 'feed', 'musicbox', 'doing', 'mood', 'blog', 'album', 'thread', 'mtag', 'friend', 'wall', 'tag' , 'notice', 'share', 'topic', 'home', 'pm', 'event', 'poll', 'top', 'info', 'videophoto');
6, open do.php
To find $ acs = array ( 'login', 'register', 'lostpasswd', 'swfupload', 'inputpwd',
Replace $ acs = array ( 'login', 'ajaxm', 'register', 'lostpasswd', 'swfupload', 'inputpwd',
7, open template \ default \ header.htm
Find <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="source/script_manage.js"> </ script>
Add below
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/SuggestFramework.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = initializeSuggestFramework; </script>
<style type="text/css">
@import url(template/default/musicboxstyle.css);
Find <li> <img src="image/app/album.gif"> <a href="space.php?do=album"> albums </ a> <em> <a href = "cp.php? Ac = upload "class =" gray "> Upload </ a> </ em> </ li>
Add in the following <li> <img src="images/musicicon.gif"> <a href="space.php?do=musicbox"> music </ a> <em> <a href = "space.php? Do = musicbox & mview = commend "> Recommended </ a> </ em> </ li>
8, the second to the seventh step coverage modified file upload
9, updating the cache
10, done. I wish you well
【8.21】 newly added
Have a look