pgangwani35 Publish time 2015-04-30 18:44

happy labour day 2015

1. Very Good Wish
Greetings To All The Workers
Throughout The World On This May Day
Happy Labor Day To All Laborers.

2. This very very happy
May 1st Workers Day
Relax and enjoy
have fun and frolic around
enjoy to your Heart’s content
on this labor day

3. The Fruits Of All Our Labors
Have Left Us As We Started
To Grow Without Is Not To Grow Within
Happy Labor Day To All Laborers.

4. You have worked hard
toiling throughout delivering your best
now its time to relax
have some rest
best wishes on 1st may
international workers day

Happy Labour Day SMS Wishes Messages

5. Heaven Is Blessed With Perfect
Rest Bu8 The Blessing Of Earth Is Toil
Best Wishex On Labor Day.
Happy Labor Day To All Laborers.

6. Labor was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things.It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased.Happy Labor Day to all laborers.

7. Happy Lab0r Day
Remember That Lab0r
Means Hard-W0rk
But N0t At the c0st
0f Being Deprived
0f Your Rights.

8. Heaven is blessed with perfect rest but the blessing of earth is toil.Best wishes on Labor Day.

9. Questi0n?
Why Americans D0 N0t Celebrate
Lab0r Day
0n May 1st
As It Started Fr0m Their City 0f
Chicag0Rather The Wh0le W0rld
The Day.

10. Let’s celebrate the labor
That built up this great land
From field to field to desk to desk
They built it hand in hand.
Happy Labor Day
Labour Day SMs
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