Edited by Robin at 2012-12-29 09:54
Here Iam Again With A New doubt!
I Have Got This php code from my friend! And he says he got this from
i dont know how to add it, or how this works! Please help me!
Php code for mobile avatar uploading option- <?php
- /***
- this is a simple and complete function and
- the easyest way i have found toallow you
- to add an image to a form that the user can
- verify before submiting
- if the user do not want this image and change
- his mind he can reupload a new image and we
- will delete the last
- i have added the debug if!move_uploaded_file
- so you can verify the result withyour
- directory and you can use this function to
- destroy the last upload without uploading
- again if you want too, just add a value...
- ***/
- function upload_back () { global $globals ;
- /***
- 1rst set the images dir and declare a files
- array we will have to loop the images
- directory to write a new name for our picture
- ***/
- $uploaddir = 'images_dir/' ; $dir = opendir ( $uploaddir );
- $files = array();
- /***
- if we are on a form who allow to reedit the
- posted vars we can save the image previously
- uploaded if the previous uploadwas successfull.
- so declare that value into a global var, we
- will rewrite that value in a hidden input later
- to post it again if we do not need to rewrite
- the image after the new uploadand just... save
- the value...
- ***/
- if(!empty( $_POST [ 'attachement_loos' ])) { $globals [ 'attachement' ] = $_POST [ 'attachement_loos' ]; }
- /***
- now verify if the file exists, just verify
- if the 1rst array is not empty. else you
- can do what you want, that form allows to
- use a multipart form, for exemple for a
- topic on a forum, and then to post an
- attachement with all our other values
- ***/
- if(isset( $_FILES [ 'attachement' ])&& !empty( $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'name' ])) {
- /***
- now verify the mime, i did not find
- something more easy than verify the
- 'image/' ty^pe. if wrong tell it!
- ***/
- if(! eregi ( 'image/' , $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'type' ])) {
- echo 'The uploaded file is not an image please upload a valide file!' ;
- } else {
- /***
- else we must loop our upload folder to find
- the last entry the count will tell us and will
- be used to declare the new name of the new
- image. we do not want to rewrite a previously
- uploaded image
- ***/
- while( $file = readdir ( $dir )) { array_push ( $files , " $file " ); echo $file ; } closedir ( $dir );
- /***
- now just rewrite the name of our uploaded file
- with the count and the extension, strrchr will
- return us the needle for the extension
- ***/
- $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'name' ] = ceil ( count ( $files ) '1' ). '' . strrchr ( $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'name' ], '.' );
- $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename ( $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'name' ]);
- /***
- do same for the last uploaded file, just build
- it if we have a previously uploaded file
- ***/
- $previousToDestroy = empty( $globals [ 'attachement' ]) &&!empty( $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'name' ]) ? '' : $uploaddir . $files [ ceil ( count ( $files )- '1' )];
- // now verify if file was successfully uploaded
- if(! move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $uploadfile )) {
- echo '<pre>
- Your file was not uploaded pleasetry again
- here are your debug informations:
- ' . print_r ( $_FILES ) . '
- </pre>' ;
- } else {
- echo 'image succesfully uploaded!' ;
- }
- /***
- and reset the globals vars if we maybe want to
- reedit the form: first the new image, second
- delete the previous....
- ***/
- $globals [ 'attachement' ] = $_FILES [ 'attachement' ][ 'name' ];
- if(!empty( $previousToDestroy )) { unlink ( $previousToDestroy ); }
- }
- }
- }
- upload_back ();
- /***
- now the form if you need it (with the global...):
- just add the hidden input whenyou write your
- preview script and... in the original form but!
- if you have send a value to advert your script
- than we are remaking the form.for exemple with a
- hidden input with "reedit" as value or with a
- $_GET method who can verify that condition
- ***/
- echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <input type="file" name="attachement" name="attachement"></input>
- <input type="hidden" name="attachement_loos" name="attachement_loos" value="' , $globals [ 'attachement' ], '"></input>
- <input type="submit" value="submit"></input>
- </form>' ;
- ?>
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