Old value:- 'friend_request' => '{actor} يطلب منك قبول طلب الصداقة بينك وبينه : {note} <a onclick="showWindow(, this.href, \'get\', 0);" class="xw1" id="afr_{uid}" href="{url}">موافق</a>',//
Copy the Code Modified value:- 'friend_request' => '{actor} requested you to add as a friend: {note} <a onclick="showWindow(, this.href, \'get\', 0);" class="xw1" id="afr_{uid}" href="{url}">Approve the request</a>',//
Copy the Code Such type modifications are NOT good!
I think, you have to save your old line!!!
Instead of modifying the language, it is more effective to change the PHP code of feed saving/displaying.
All the feeds must be saved in unified format, without any language-specific values.