Discuz! X3.1 Release 20130923
ADD. Discuz! Cloud verification code, improved protection against spam-bots
ADD. Intelligent verification code strategy, without affecting the normal user operations, block ads publishing
ADD. Safety evaluation mechanisms, suggesting webmasters background settings involving safety operation
ADD. User account bodyguard, increase the difficulty of brute force account, reducing the loss of user accounts stolen
ADD. Identify malicious users function. All the malicious users posts can be processed, and users automatically banned
ADD. Whole network defense mechanisms, Blacklisted users, will limiting behavior in all the Discuz! Forum sites
IMPROVE. Waterproof wall function. Enhance all the site responce level, Limiting the maximum speed of ads posting
IMPROVE. Webmaster reporting mechanism. Reported by multiple users IP will be blacklisted
OPTIMIZE. Some interaction features steps was simplified
OPTIMIZE. Back-office functions distributed, Easy to quickly find the desired webmaster function
OPTIMIZE. Part of code, reduce the server loading when PHP parsing
FIX. Discuz! X3 existed known issues and security risks
More updates, see the official release topic