Korea, Republic of
Edited by ionobgy at 2012-2-17 13:25
I guess that the way to hide a special thread is 4 way in Discuz.
1. use "hide" BB code
2. set read point in forum editor window.
3. set forum category's read permission at admin panel.
4. create group and use authentication.
But I want other function that the thread is protected by secret code.
Through that secret function, If user (include guest and newbie) enter the secret code (noticed by admin or thread owner), He or She can view the thread.
The other users that don't know the secret code cannot view the thread.
I applied the secret code function at my website by very complex and dirty coding.
One method is database modifying method, another method is the creating of new BB code and secret code checking file.
Therefore I hope that more simple and clean code is made by powerful user or administrator as like vot.
It wish is not prompt.
And I am not sure that this thread is appropriate in this forum.
That secret code function is popular in korean website.
Most korean base CMS applications support that function.