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CodersClub»Forum Discuz! X Discuz! Languages (Translation) Chinese (简体中文 / 繁體中文)
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Chinese (简体中文 / 繁體中文) Today: 0|Threads: 20|Rank: 54 

Author Replies
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Announcement Announcement: Please take a look at Rules of CodersClub. Thank you. kaaleth 2013-10-27    
Preview Admin Center BUG attach_img recommend CMSSserver 2023-04-22 15:38 42360 vot 2024-01-05 17:44
Preview 安装Discuz!X ML后无法正常运行 attach_img CMSSserver 2023-04-22 08:23 21846 vot 2023-04-22 11:30
Preview How to add Language switch at the top of the page from New posts CMSSserver 2022-10-19 04:50 22200 CMSSserver 2022-10-19 14:47
Preview 老大语言切换插件在哪里下载呀 New posts jack chen 2020-03-24 15:06 34977 vot 2020-03-25 09:32
Preview 这个问题怎么解决? New posts attach_img  ...2 FUNG 2018-06-12 22:47 1012149 vot 2018-06-28 20:32
Preview lol, why this forum is dead New posts .Vision_Coding. 2017-11-17 18:44 66145 kaaleth 2017-11-18 15:42
Preview 语言选择按钮如何平铺在顶部? New posts geshinibeige 2015-11-25 14:48 17905 vot 2015-11-25 21:19
Preview 大哥,看不懂英文啊,有没有多语言切换的中文介绍啊 New posts  ...2 aaa 2013-06-19 09:36 1919396 vot 2015-10-29 20:23
Preview 需简体中文,和英文 jlloke82 2014-08-09 22:33 36704 vot 2014-08-13 11:25
Preview Now Online: "," is misplaced in CHS and CHT. testyouiq 2014-06-24 02:14 714210 vot 2014-06-26 10:41
Preview 取消自动检测语言 无效果!! fdfe 2014-01-29 01:25 26852 gary860105 2014-02-03 10:04
Preview 希望大家多多交流,多国语言版本真的很棒 recommend agree vincent 2013-08-16 19:03 49579 vot 2014-01-22 15:40
Preview 用了多语言版本速度明显慢了很多 New posts gary860105 2014-01-04 09:17 16348 vot 2014-01-08 19:46
Preview when the Traditional Chinese Language Package can be downloaded vanshion 2012-01-01 19:46 59188 vot 2013-05-30 09:40
Preview OMG nhp1314 2013-03-30 03:26 26678 vot 2013-03-30 21:07
Preview Rename ZH to SC? vot 2012-02-07 11:25 38833 cwk32 2012-02-11 08:18
Preview country language packed attachment recommend ken 2012-01-23 12:26 17627 vot 2012-01-23 13:57
Preview about the Traditional Chinese language attach_img ken 2012-01-02 06:00 16970 vot 2012-01-02 10:41
Preview Traditional Chinese Language Pack vot 2011-12-26 16:37 06212 vot 2011-12-26 16:37
Preview Simplified Chinese Language Pack recommend vot 2011-11-23 20:33 06564 vot 2011-11-23 20:33

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