Welcome to the patchers team!
Checked your patch.
Format is ok!
But there is small problem.
Look inside the patch!
Your patch have a path from the /upload/source/language/:
Index: lang_template.php
--- lang_template.php (revision 73)
+++ lang_template.php (working copy)
This means that you made a "right clik and create patch" over this folder: /upload/source/language
It is wrong.
You have to right click at the root of working copy!
I.e. at C:/MyProjects/DiscuzX20EN/,
in other words you have start from the folder that contains this subfolders: PSD, readme, upload, utility.
So your patch MUST HAVE the next first lines:
Index: upload/source/language/lang_template.php
--- upload/source/language/lang_template.php (revision 73)
+++ upload/source/language/lang_template.php (working copy)