The latest official Discuz!X code is placed in their official repository:
You can see in that code /upload/source/discuz_version.php
that the latest release is 20180101.
I asked a new discuz team from WHY they have a different release number than in gitee.
They answered that they just downloaded the latest snapshot from the repository and changed the release number manualy.
As I can understand from some tals at the original Discuz developer (Comsenz Co.) Comsens have sold their product to the Chinese IT giant
Unfortunalely Tensent have lost his interest to Discuz!X, the development team was broked up.
And as a result, Tensent released Discuz!X into a free swimming but at the same time disabled the use of the domain name, and refused to support the old forum and the application store at
Next, a group of Discuz fans decided to continue supporting of Discuz on their own, and created an alternative site However, they could not pick up and restore the entire Discuz information base (forum posts, plugins, templates, open development platform, cloud platform, etc.), it seems that Tensent refused to transfer all that materials to them...
So a new "official team" is not the original team, it is an alternative fan group.
And I am not sure that they will be able to develop professionally this popular in the past product.