I've seen.
Your translation is quite good.
But your changes are NOT GOOD!
WHY you have modified ALL the rows, even you did not retranslated it?
Old row contains the TABULATION character (0x09) at the beginning,
but you have changed that TAB to two spaces:- -/*!*/ 'collection_keywords_desc' => 'Separate keywords by a space, up to five keywords. You can use these keywords for search titles in collection, quickly create a collection.',//'请使用空格隔开标签,最多可填写 5 个。用户可以根据标签来查找淘专辑,您也可以使用这些标签和淘贴标题搜索主题,快速创建淘贴专辑。',
- +/*!*/ 'collection_keywords_desc' => 'Separate keywords by a space, up to five keywords. You can use these keywords for search titles in collection, quickly create a collection.',//'请使用空格隔开标签,最多可填写 5 个。用户可以根据标签来查找淘专辑,您也可以使用这些标签和淘贴标题搜索主题,快速创建淘贴专辑。',
Copy the Code That is why I can not see VISUALLY what is changed 
The main idea in the team work - DO NOT CHANGE IT IF IT IS NOT REQUIRED!
Try to rebuild files with this rule, please.