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Rules of Codersclub

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Post time: 2013-10-25 15:27
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Our Rules:
  • You are welcome to Keep all topics objectively as long as you can accept other opinions expressed on the forum.
  • Before posting, try to find answer using search engine. Probably, your problem was already solved.
  • Try to keep a friendly tone in your posts.
  • If your content does not any value to the topic being discussed, then please do not reply.
  • Be sure that you are using the best title for your post before you submit it. Do not send topics called as "Help me!" or "How can I do it?"
  • Please create a new topic for every question. This way all topics remain clear and the search function can work efficiently.
  • Any conflicts should always be solved by those involved via PMs and not in the public forum.
  • Make sure you have the rights to publish the content you put on this forum.

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Our Policy:
  • We helps only to those who keep the Comsenz Inc. and Codersclub copyrights.
    If you do not respect our work and copyright, you can not expect of our support.
    We do NOT HELP those who erased our copyrights from our products.

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