Korea, Republic of
Edited by ionobgy at 2012-3-19 06:29
1. Google map error
If I insert google map, error message is dsiplayed.
error nessage is below:
"access denied, error mod request"
2. At upload image or file,
upload button is not translated by multilingual.
original chinese language is displayed.
3. Cloud function error
Although I enable the cloud soso, soso smiles is not functioning.
4. Reminder popup box error
At forum editor, if I use reminder, and then "undefined" message is displayed.
5. Group create button error
Group create button letter is empty.
Only base button is displayed, letter "Create Group" is not displayed.
6. Doings error
Doings timestamp:
Sentence Like 4 Daysago is displayed.
Space must insert between letter " Days" and "ago"
7. Article publish
At image upload, two input box is displayed, one--popup, one-main.
8. Simplified chinese error
simplified chinese language among multiligual function is not corrupted.
9. At My Center
Forum navigation button is empty.
Only base button is displayed, Inside letter is not displayed.
10. Find password error
Find password box still persist after submit button click.
and I cannot get email.