Edited by fanha99 at 2012-4-9 10:37
- X2.5_trunk
- readme
- upload
- utility
- X2.5_language_trunk
- language_en
- language_sc
- language_...
Copy the Code by default checkout, we will get:
- upload/source/language <--- keep the origin pack here, wiil help to check with origin
- upload/source/language_en <--- this folder is an external link to language_trunk/language_en
- upload/source/language_sc <--- this folder is an external link to language_trunk/language_sc
Copy the Code when user need the other language, they will set the property of upload/source, then add some other extenal link to the lang they want, they can point to the langpack provide by coder, or just there own pack in case they are translating.
In my opition:
- in most of case, user down need all of the language pack. So don't need to waste time to download them all.
- for developer, we can use the extenal link to get all of them inside easily (but the source folder is in red) or just set an child check out inside. I this developer can handle this easily
- for end user, we can provide the language pack, and tell them where to get, and how to install. or just show them the direct link to their language pack SVN, they will check out and copy into there install.
- by setting all the language folder the same level as the origin language folder will help us (or just VOT) to compare when an update is ready.
- and the language folder look clear. with current setting, there is lots of file and folder inside, some of them is from origin pack, some of them is the other language. they are messing.